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We need strong center-left Democrats.

American democracy is in danger. Extreme polarization and negative partisanship are undermining our civic cohesion and turning our country into a collection of warring tribes. The biggest threat comes from an extreme MAGA Republican Party that has abandoned conservatism for a radical and illiberal populism that is hostile to America’s multiethnic democracy.

But we Democrats aren’t blameless. Under the influence of progressive elites, the party establishment has lurched leftwards and turned its back on the economic aspirations and mainstream values of working Americans. Without these voters – traditionally the party’s mainstay – Democrats can’t sustain the large and lasting majorities necessary to govern effectively.

We need a Democratic party which will offer solutions for folks to reach the American dream – solutions which inspire hope and speaks to aspirations for growth, opportunity and upward mobility. And to do so, we need strong center-left Democrats.

Both parties have vacated America’s center ground, and Democrats stand to win by building an infrastructure of support to help pragmatic Democrats compete everywhere in America.

We hope we can count on you to sign on, today!