New Liberal Highlight: Ben Akselrod

Living in New York, New York, Ben Akselrod is active in Democratic organizing. In 2022, Ben helped elect the first assembly member in the state to have a computer science degree. In 2023, Ben was elected both Chair of the Center for New Liberalism Steering Committee, and as a Democratic District Leader, a volunteer position that sits on the executive committee of the New York County Democratic Party. Through his volunteer work and activism, Ben has shown that when young pro-growth liberals are at the table, real progress can be won.

What does it mean to you to be a New Liberal?

Our inspirational rhetoric means nothing if we don't back it up with real progress. I believe in abundance: abundant homes, abundant healthcare, abundant jobs, and abundant nuclear and renewable energy sources. Building more homes and creating more job opportunities while fighting for LGBTQ rights and reproductive freedom are necessary for the prosperity of generations to come. 

What is the steering committee working on right now, and what are some of the initiatives you're trying to spearhead as the Chair of the Steering Committee?

The Steering Committee recently launched our first two subcommittees, Chapter Development and Diversity. As the 2024 Presidential Election heads into full swing, CNL will be engaging a broad swath of the electorate toward a shared vision of abundance. I love engaging with other SC members and the general membership. There's a lot more to come, feel free to reach out at

What does your role as Democratic District Leader entail, and why did you decide to run?

I decided to run for District Leader because we need stronger local Democratic Parties that win more races. (Remember that most housing policies come from the state and local levels.) There's an old saying, "All politics is local," even in the age of social media, this still rings true. Whether you're looking to get involved in the democratic process by petitioning or giving testimony, or you just want to know which elected official to contact for a particular issue, I'm around to make the process more accessible. I use my vote on the Executive Committee of the Manhattan Democratic Party to ensure that the party process is fair and that highly qualified candidates are nominated for judicial seats.


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